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The Mainfreight Development Program

Mainfreight Australia has quickly grown over the last four decades and plans on continuing to do so over the next 100 years. With that objective in mind, the Mainfreight Development Program is designed to attract the next generation of future leaders to take our international business to the world.

The Development Program is unstructured and doesn’t involve set pathways or fixed rotations. For the first 6-18 months, you can expect to learn the fundamentals of how Mainfreight’s business works, acclimatise yourself to Mainfreight’s unique culture and get your hands dirty. The onus is on graduates openly discuss with their Branch Manager which area or areas of the business interests them and then strive to pursue it. Or, as the company puts it, “Whether that be with sales, operations, IT or a leadership role, it’s up to you to build your brand and make yourself stand out at Mainfreight”.

Mainfreight is a rapidly expanding business, so there’s no limit on where you can go. Unlike other Graduate programs, you don’t need to re-apply for a position at the end of your program. At Mainfreight, you are a permanent, full-time team member, with all the opportunities ahead of you. With Mainfreight’s ‘promote from within’ culture and an internal Training and Development Team dedicated to supporting your growth, the world is your oyster.

Where you go, is completely up to you and your ambition.

Mainfreight Careers - Graduates